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By our crime reporter

Civilised people all over the world must find it difficult to comprehend the barbaric circumstances prevailing in Black governed South Africa. They can also be forgiven if they think that the inmates have taken over the asylum. The latest development in the Department of Correctional Services is the latest bizarre event in this crazy, Black ruled, land of ours. The Black Communist rulers think that White taxpayer money is there for their own personal use to spend as they see fit.

The Department of Correctional Services is supposed to be run with great sensitivity, but not so under Black Communist rule. The prisons commissioner, one Dr Khulekani Sithole should be, but is not, suspended by the pending investigation by the Public Protector and the police into his conduct. The Mail and Guardian carried a report about alleged self-enrichment and said that it required prompt action by government. 

Dr Sithole’s term as Commissioner for Correctional Services is surrounded with a growing list of questions about his ability and his judgement in running the department. Tendering procedures for the privatisation of jails had been under suspicion from the start. It now turns out that the ANC Youth League is part of a tendering consortium. 

In another development, there are also allegations of overseas trips and the funding of a soccer team from the budget of the Department of Correctional Services. This may seem strange to people in the civilised world, but in Africa this is an accepted practice. We do not know of one single government department that is not being looted through theft, corruption and self-aggrandizement. 

The arrest of the Pietermaritzburg prison head, Russel Ngubo illustrates our point very well. He was arrested on four charges of murder, which were withdrawn when the state witnesses were too terrified to testify and refused to do so. Russel Ngubo has now been arrested at prison to face two attempted murder charges.

These are only a few of the accepted practices in Africa and South Africa is no different. Can we be blamed for saying that the lunatics have now taken over the asylum?